Rush Limbaugh - The Passing Of A Great American

Today, Rush Limbaugh has passed away. A legend of talk radio, who was the voice of the people, was beloved by many.  He said his talent was on loan from God, always humble about his success. 
Rush was outspoken, always with the truth & facts. Whether you liked him, or not, you couldn't deny his polarization. 
El Rushbo, as he was known by his fans, truly appreciated life & the country. He recognized the freedoms we all have & listened to everyone, with a knack for understanding & empathy. 
In this time of mourning, his family is having to deal with the left & the disgraceful comments about how they're feeling upon hearing the news of his passing. Hollywood is literally celebrating, glad that Rush is gone & it's disgusting. 
The truth the way I see it is this - if you're ever calling another person, who bravely fought cancer, a cancer, you're an embarrassment to society. A man died & the fact that you can say that, shows the disregard you have for anyone, period. I recognize that this is America & we have a right to speak freely - but as a person with some modicum of intelligence, know when you should at least show your fellow man a sliver of respect. 


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