Crime And COVID-19 At The Border

The massive influx of illegals incoming is straining the men & women who are working tirelessly to keep the border secure. If you haven't already heard, 108 illegal migrants who came into Texas have tested positive for the coronavirus, as of late January. That said, there are no controls for tracking the number of those people with the virus & no way to prevent them from traveling anywhere in the country.   
A major wave of arrests have also been made in just one Border Patrol sector, with 1,600 illegals being taken into custody. This is a small indicator of things to come, as there's still more people who are heading to the country, mostly illegally. 
These are stories straight from the headlines, but not coming from the main stream media. Why? The current administration isn't prepared yet to tell you just what's going on with the migrants & how they're being treated. For example, the media isn't being allowed to come over to the child migrant "facilities" at this time. Why wouldn't they let the people know about the conditions the kids are in & the living situations they're currently having to tolerate? It's not making any sense, none of it is. 
The underlying facts are that the migrant children are being sent here by their own families, risking the safety of their children, who are literally at the mercy of the smugglers (also known as coyotes), just so they can have a chance to have a better life. Furthermore, some of the migrants who are heading here have false documents showing that they're coronavirus free, which will in turn create a spike in virus cases & deaths, making the border a virus super-spreader. Crime, for the most part, is being circumvented at the moment along the border, with arrests made daily, but with the system the way it is now, how long will they stay in custody? 
The truth the way I see it is this - the current administration is soft on these issues & the world is watching, to gauge how much we as a nation can be pushed around. The reason why people are coming into the country is because they know how to manipulate the system & become recipients of government assistance, which they will surely take advantage of, for decades. These people don't care about the virus, they've proven that by the fact that they're traveling across the country, possibly infecting countless innocent people. The criminals are not going to stop trying to get into our nation from the southern border - because they know how deplorable the penal system is in their own country, ours is a paradise in comparison, so, why not take a chance? If something isn't done, soon we're going to be overrun with illegals with the virus, infecting your loved ones, kids getting a free education while your kids can't even go to school & pillaging your community. This isn't the America we were told it would be, it's more like what the left wants it to be, with all of us begging for them to come to our rescue. Don't say that you weren't warned. 


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