Vaccine Passports & The End Of Our Freedom

The current administration has been working with the private sector to create universal vaccine passports, which would alienate the people who don't want to get the shot. This is another step towards communism, complete with the need for papers to show that you got the vaccine for a virus that has a 99% survival rate, most likely to be necessary to travel within our own country. 
Here's something you might not have heard on the news - the director of the CDC says that she has a "feeling of impending doom" in regards to the coronavirus, saying that a spike in cases is going to happen. Here's my take on that - with the border being flooded with mass migration & a significant amount of the illegals coming in testing positive for the virus, the number of coronavirus cases will increase. The CBP has been overwhelmed with hundreds of thousands of people coming through the border & there's countless people who haven't even been tested, just released to travel into the country. Will these illegals be told that they have to obtain a vaccine passport? My answer - probably not, as it may be deemed as racist by the snowflakes. 
Oh, did you hear about what Joe Scarborough said about the passports? He said that if you're skeptical about them, you're "opposing Jesus". That's right, religion has been brought into the picture. Now, I'm not exactly the best Christian in the world, but I do know that God gave us free will & I know that in America, in God We Trust - so, if we choose to not get the vaccine, thus not getting a passport, are we less Christian, are we less American? 
The truth the way I see it is this - this isn't about a virus, this is about tyrannical control. This is about "weeding out" those who haven't been vaccinated & limiting their freedom. The government has overreached & encroached upon our God given rights, which are protected by the Constitution. We're entitled to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness & these passports will be suppressing our inalienable rights. May God have mercy on our souls. 


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