Lack Of Respect From The Left

The Oval Office no longer has the American flag in place, the country of Canada is saying that they feel disrespected because of the XL Pipeline being shut down & it's only a few days into the new administration. 
There's literally no regard to the military, who are in servitude to the commander in chief. They were placed in a parking garage a few days ago, but President Trump gave them the use of his hotel in DC. Biden didn't do anything like that, instead, his wife gave them cookies. 
Canada, like I said earlier, is upset by the shut down of the pipeline, most likely they're going to experience some loss of jobs. 
Oh, did I mention that the price of insulin & epinephrine is going to rise? Hundreds of people who need that medicine & can't afford it are now in one hell of a jam. This didn't happen under President Trump's administration. 
This is the truth the way I see it - everything done so far by the new administration is a slap in the face to America & its ally, Canada. We're soon to be the butt of every joke & the example of what not to do. Get used to it, because it's going to be a long 4 years. 


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