Main Stream Media & The Love Affair With Biden

The main stream media has been covering the "President" & his every move, including making a stop for bagels. My question is why, in this case is there such a love affair? Joe isn't being treated like a President of the United States, rather, he's being treated like a celebrity, instead of the leader of the free world. 
He's as of yet to be asked hard questions, he's not yet let Congress do any real work on any policies, so I guess that recent lid that was called was warranted, seeing as how he was most likely tired from signing executive orders all day.   
President Trump's administration was treated like garbage by the main stream media, worse than almost any previous administration ever. The coverage was nitpicky, overanalyzing every word & almost always calling for his impeachment or resignation. Biden gets asked what's his favorite flavor of ice cream & it's a headline story - totally ignoring his ineptitude, dismantling of the country & taking away jobs, not to mention his crushing of the economy. You're not hearing about the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars from the pipeline shut down, you're not hearing anything about the economy being in a "bubble" - because it's not fitting the narrative of the left, so it's not being reported. 
The truth the way I see it is this - real leaders get the hard questions, the difficult decisions & puppets get told what to do. The choice has been made by those who thought that they knew better than the rest of us, what they wanted was to find someone to take orders, rather than to have someone to talk the talk AND walk the walk. They've found a pushover, who would like to challenge you to push ups, after his nap.


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