The Beginning of The End

"President" Biden has been busy. So far, almost 20 executive orders, banning new fracking, shut down the XL Pipeline & thus taking away about 70K jobs from hard working Americans. 
Millions of dollars are being lost, but he's wanting to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour. How can that happen if there's no work & no money? 
This is what happens when you don't base your vote on the issues. Your hatred of a man because of tweets & nothing else has now put the country in financial jeopardy. President Trump's America was strong. Biden is reversing the policies that helped countless people - so far, everything he's touched has turned into garbage. 
America's test is just beginning. Our energy independence is going to be a distant memory in no time. How do you remedy this? By invading a foreign country that has oil. So, somehow, America is most likely going to war, just so gas will be under $5/gallon. 
The truth the way I see it is this - we're going to see one hell of a bad movie on repeat, fully expecting a different ending. This is going to be a long 4 years, so get ready to eat a huge crap sandwich, because that's what the left is trying to feed us. 


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