The Rich Keep Getting Richer

I'm not sure if you heard anything about this, but the Pelosis bought $1M worth of Tesla stock at $500/share, right around the time that "President" Biden was going to announce that he's going to make a transition in the type of cars the government has. By the way, what the Pelosis did is considered to be insider trading, but don't worry, they're not going to jail for it. 650K government vehicles are gas powered, he's wanting them to be electric powered, at a cost of around $20B. 
The price tag is steep, especially since the American taxpayers are the ones who are footing the bill. This action is made to look good optically, but it's not sensible. The reason is because of the resources needed to make the cars, coal in particular. 
Biden wants to have a greener environment, but making these cars is not carbon footprint friendly. Not only that, but it's expensive. (I'm not a math major, but I'm pretty sure that the gas & maintenance bills for the current government cars have yet to reach anywhere near $20B in their lifetime, not to mention buying new ones)
The truth the way I see it is this - at a time when American workers are finding themselves out of a job, this "need to be green" vehicle plan is exactly like beating a dead horse, but with a revival of the horse from time to time just to beat it to death again & again. 


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