Timothy George Simpkins : Victim Of Fortune Or Good Boy Gone Bad?

This story of the Arlington, Texas high school shooting & the shooter, Timothy George Simpkins, who fled the scene, hasn't been talked about much on the news. I'm not sure why that is, but I'm guessing that it's because it doesn't fit the narrative that the main stream media has been running with. 
Simpkins, 18, got into a fight with a fellow student in a classroom. I saw footage of said fight, it was a display of domination on the behalf of Simpkins, who literally beat down the victim of his rage. At one point, Simpkins went to his backpack & pulled out a gun & opened fire. 
The scene was chaotic, I'm sure, but it was over relatively quickly. Simpkins fled the scene afterwards & later turned himself in. His family claims that he is a "good boy" that's the victim of bullies & that he's been robbed at school before because of his being financially "blessed" with fancy clothes & a $35,000 car. His mom said that her son was "like a target" because of his good fortune. The family is already laying a defense for the 18 year old, which in my opinion, isn't going to fly with a jury. A family member has said that they're "not justifying taking the gun" to school, but also said "he was trying to protect himself". If you saw the video, you would see that Simpkins didn't need any protection - he is a violent individual & a pugilist that on appearance, doesn't need help, especially a gun to keep bullies & attempted robbers at bay. 
His victims of the shooting spree include the student he fought with, one of the teachers who tried to break up the fight & several other students, who are injured on different scales of severity. As of today, he's only going to be charged with 3 counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, rather than attempted murder. He was released within 24 hours after being jailed, on a $75,000 bond. I said earlier that this isn't being talked about much on the news, mostly because of the race of the 18 year old, who is black. A lot of people on social media have been saying that if he was white, the MSM would be tearing this young man apart. The fact that this is a black on black crime for the most part, seems to be dismissed by the press. I'm going to bet that sooner rather than later, black activists are going to come out of the woodwork in support of Simpkins & his family. (Al Sharpton is going to be camera ready very soon, I'm sure)
The truth the way I see it is this - Simpkins & others who claim to be victims are becoming more & more common. I'm of the opinion that the 18 year old is using being a victim as an excuse for his violence, especially after I saw the video of him beating the crap out of his own victim. His legal defense is going to be a complicated one I'm sure, but that's not going to distract the 12 people who are going to be holding Simpkins' fate in their hands. For now, the press is backing away from this story, but if the legal system somehow punishes "too harshly", you can bet that there's going to be media coverage like never before, with the race card played, of course. Will justice be served, or will a violent individual walk free? Only time will tell. 


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