The United States of Biden

If you've been keeping up with the news, you know that detainees at GITMO are being offered the COVID-19 vaccine, to be given on a voluntary basis. 
This is what Joe Biden's America looks like. Offering a vaccine for a potentially deadly virus to criminals, before giving it to those who desperately need it. Americans have no claim to be put first, for anything in the estimation of the "President" & it's becoming more evident every day. 
Biden is withholding medical assistance to help you get & and/or stay healthy. Biden has sent you a message from his point of view, which is that you're not a priority. He's helping criminals, terrorists & the worst of the worst receive medical care, the people who should be a little lower on the totem pole. 
If you're a law abiding citizen, in need of any kind of help, don't count on the government to come to your aid. Millions of people are being turned down to receive the vaccine in favor of criminals like the self proclaimed mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks & I find it reprehensible. 
The truth the way I see it is this - in Joe Biden's America, it's mind over matter - he doesn't mind if you don't get the medical care that could save your life, because you don't matter. In Joe Biden's America, criminals, terrorists & scumbag thugs have more rights than you do. In Joe Biden's America, a life saving medicine goes to those who have taken lives. America first has gone down the drain & it's only January - the next 4 years are going to be brutal.

UPDATE: The government is halting plans to vaccinate 40 terrorists, including the self proclaimed mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, after a great deal of backlash.


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