Cuomo And COVID-19

New York governor Cuomo is in big trouble. A top aide has gone on record saying that the administration was fudging the numbers of coronavirus deaths, to avoid an investigation from then President Trump's administration. 
At one point, about 9,000 people who were infected with the coronavirus were sent to New York nursing homes, instead of the USNS Comfort, the ship specifically sent by Trump to help take care of those who were recovering from the virus. In doing this, close to 13,000 people have died from the coronavirus in the state of New York, as of late January.
Cuomo, as you know, has said "Who cares?.....if they died in the hospital, or the nursing home, they died." in reference to the number of deaths attributed to either a hospital death or nursing home death. It's semantics to the governor, but it's not fair to the remaining family members. 
The interesting thing is, Cuomo granted immunity to nursing home officials, after they donated massive amounts to his office. It's a matter of public record. 
The aide has said that the governor's office was fearful of a potential investigation, due to the high number of deaths in the state & that they "froze". Forget about doing the right thing, just cover it up. 
The truth the way I see it is this - people who were sick & in desperate need of help were screwed over by the state government, not the national government. Families are grieving over the loss of loved ones, who may have died needlessly. There needs to be an investigation, but the likelihood is that's not going to happen. All that has to be said is anything blaming Trump & it's swept under the rug. This is the America we live in, where there's no accountability for the left, with none in sight. God help us all. 


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