Truth, Lies & AOC

As many of you know by now, there's been a lot of backlash in the direction of AOC & it's much deserved. She's been on social media for a few days saying that she's a victim of the insurrection at the Capitol Building, but there are some who have said that just isn't the case.  
AOC's said that she was "almost murdered" because of people like Senator Ted Cruz, whom she blames for the event that sadly happened January 6th, 2021. AOC has also said that she thought she was going to die & that she thought she just wanted to be a mom. To top it off, she went on social media to say that she thinks she was put in a vulnerable situation by a Capitol police officer, who looked at her with a great deal of anger & hostility. 
Sometimes, I get a headache from the crap that this individual (who I think can benefit greatly from a mental evaluation & meds), spews out. In the meantime, the masters of social media will continue to allow her to have a platform & whether we like it or not, she has that right. That said, she's in a position of power & has an obligation to be transparent to the country. 
AOC has been on record as saying that she was in the Capitol Building during the riot, but that's just not true. She was in the Cannon Building, which wasn't breached, safe & unhurt, much less traumatized. Now, she's under scrutiny for the fib & she should be. I'm not sure what she was trying to achieve by lying, but it's not happening the way she thought it would, with the only exception being news anchor Brian Williams, who said they were in the Capitol Building together. (Williams, if you recall, was caught in his own lies & subsequently let go from his duties before finding a new job at MSNBC)
The truth the way I see it is this - if you're a player in the game that is politics, just have an understanding of how every move is going to be looked at very closely - it's chess, not checkers. AOC & those like her will always look for a new way to get the attention, then try to twist the narrative to their advantage. Sometimes, you're the Queen, sometimes you're the pawn. Your next move is dependent upon you. Checkmate. 


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