Tying Up The Long Arm of The Law

Not long ago, the government told ICE to release every illegal immigrant that they had in detention, regardless of what crime they committed. Sounds crazy, right? 
Several hundreds were set to be back on the streets, free. Why? The "President" really didn't give any particular reason, which is absolutely ridiculous. 
Oh, let's not forget about the caravan of migrants who are coming into the country from the Mexican border. The men & women who work so very tirelessly to keep the border secure have to let them in, per the instructions of the "President". 
These people have, for the most part, no proof of being negative for the virus, but so many have illegal falsified documents showing that they're coronavirus free. 
So, to put it in perspective - look forward to hearing about the crime rate rising drastically, as well as the number of cases of the coronavirus. 
I'm not calling the immigrants criminals, not at all. That said, many of the people who are coming into the country are criminals, a significant amount of them violent offenders. The White House doesn't care, apparently. If they did, the wall would still be in construction & the caravan would be turned away. 
The truth the way I see it is this - to have a great nation, you need to take care of the people. The people in DC want to crush the spirit of the American people, demolish the American dream & weaken our country. The very best way to do this is to take away good paying jobs, which has been done. Then open the border to let just anyone in, thus taking away the security of the nation. Lastly, tie up the long arm of the law, which is what's happening with ICE & the Border Patrol. If they can't do their jobs, what's their purpose? The current administration is making it abundantly clear that they don't see the necessity of either. Lock your doors, don't get fired & pray that you can survive the next 4 years. 


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