Crisis At The Border

After a few days of mass influx, the situation at the border still isn't being designated as a crisis by the current administration. Unaccompanied minors are being held in "facilities", which the media has yet to have access to & most have been there longer than allowed by law. The cartels are already operating in plain sight, with no consequence. Arrests are being made in droves, but the number of people coming in is overwhelming. 
Things are getting so bad that even Chuck Schumer weighed in, warning Biden to clamp down on the overflow of illegals. ICE officers are being called to be deployed, as early as this weekend & volunteers have been asked to help "cope" with the numbers. 
Here's why the Democrats haven't called the border situation a crisis : they want to keep in power & in order to do it, they're willing to sacrifice our country's safety & health. There's been a significant amount of illegals coming in that tested positive for the virus, but they were put on a bus & now, they're the problem of wherever they are. A bill has been introduced that would take away the heads up to ICE when any illegal immigrants try to buy a weapon, so, we're going to see an escalation in violent crime, if it should be passed. All of this is a political ploy - keep the people who are in need, always in need & promise them the world. Democrats have done it before, they've been doing it & won't stop. Why? It's simple, it works. Did I mention that the illegals are the priority for the COVID-19 vaccine? That's right, you, as a citizen of the country, have to be put at the back of the line. Almost 10% of those who have crossed the border have the virus, so, they're all immediately given a shot. 
The truth the way I see it is this - America is in the hands of an incompetent & fake compassionate "leadership". If you take a look around, the only wall that's complete is in DC, immigrant kids are getting an education, while your kids are at home & criminals are salivating like Pavlov's dogs because the opportunities for money to be made are endless, due to the stretched thin Border Patrol. If the left truly wanted to, they would be all over this, the border would be shut down & quickly passed legislation would be put in place to give ICE, DHS & the Border Patrol all of the funds they need to get the job done. How bad does it have to be before that happens? Here's my guess - innocent children are going to have to be victims of some crime or another, perpetrated by an illegal, before outrage is displayed. I hope that I'm wrong. 


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