"Wokeness" & Cancel Culture

Over the past several weeks or so, you may have noticed the absolute insanity of the "woke" movement & cancel culture. Both are everywhere, reaching into the very fabric of the country, attempting to eradicate everything & radicalize America. 
Schools are a prime example of "wokeness" & cancel culture - if you're a parent, your kids are probably learning critical race theory, which is a socialist, Marxist line of thinking, with the goal of teaching the kids how to hate their race, the country & indoctrinate them with the belief that they're racist because they may happen to be white. 
Look at the Coca Cola company & their new "woke" approach with their own employees. Their employees are learning to be "less white", in an attempt to appease the overly sensitive & very loud people who want "social justice", which is an umbrella talking point, covering just about anything. 
Speaking of "social justice", have you heard about the government giving black farmers five billion dollars in the name of "social justice"? It really happened, paid for by your hard earned money. The current administration gave them the money in the latest COVID-19 relief bill, but you're not going to hear about it much. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping out farmers, but what was done was skirting the line of reverse racism. If the government was truly trying to give farmers financial support, it should've been to all of them. 
In the most recent news, Teen Vogue has seen an editor resign before even starting her job, because of her racist tweets that she posted a decade ago. She apologized repeatedly for her lapse in judgement, but was, in essence, cancelled. My question is, if you made a very bad judgement call when you were younger & you apologize to anyone who was offended by what you said, what's it going to take to be forgiven? In her case, apologies were not accepted. 
If you haven't already heard about Pepe LePew, he had an appearance in the newest Space Jam movie, but it's not going to be seen, because he's been deemed "offensive". Yes, a cartoon character is "offensive" to someone, who probably doesn't know that it's just a cartoon. 
Cancel culture didn't stop there. It's not going to. 
The truth the way I see it is this - I'm old enough to remember when if there was anything you didn't like, you didn't focus on it in any way. Nobody was offended by a cartoon, or taught to hate anybody. Schools were a place of learning the history of the country, of the world & not an indoctrination facility. I remember all of the Coke commercials, especially during Christmas & seeing a picture of Santa on the cans. What happened to the country? When did everything happen to be so bad? It's getting to be that if you have any issues with anyone, just call them a racist - problem solved, because they're cancelled, totally irrelevant. If you happen to have an opinion that doesn't align with someone else, you will be silenced. America's disintegrating, from the inside out. Don't be surprised when you don't recognize the country in the next 4 years, we're heading on a collision course with disaster & the damages are going to be irreparable.  


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