Issues At The Border & The Lack Of Concern From The Left

On March 24th, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris was given the job of overseeing the border & the crisis there. The current administration has as of yet to call it a crisis, but the people of America know that it is. With countless hundreds of thousands coming through the border, it's become overwhelming for the Border Patrol. The current administration has even asked NASA employees to volunteer to help with the surge of incoming migrants. 
I mentioned that the Vice President was given the job of oversight of the border, but as of today, she's still not making any plans to visit. Instead of that, she's going to the Mexico/Guatemala border, to gain information on the "root cause" of the migration. 300 United States Border Patrol agents are also going to be there, to assist the Mexican & Guatemalan officials. I don't know about you, but I'm of the opinion that we should be putting our nation first & mending our border before helping other countries. 
The government has been spending an incredibly ridiculous amount of money for the hotel rooms for the illegals who've already crossed into the country, yet there's nothing in the works for the overcrowded "camps" of children, except for using convention centers & military bases. At the current rate of children coming in droves, there's not going to be much more room to accommodate them. What's the game plan? The honest answer - we don't know, the "President" & Vice President aren't talking about this. 
Our country is spending truckloads of cash a day on a potentially permanent issue, which could've been avoided if Biden would've just finished the wall, which is already funded & has been proven to be a great solution, along with some solid legislation, which was rolled back. 
The truth the way I see it is this - neither Biden nor Kamala really want to solve the border issue, although it's a quick fix, if they would just swallow their pride & reinstate the pieces of Trump legislation that put the border in check. The reason why they haven't is simple - voter logistics. The left is thinking about the elections upcoming & in 2024, they want to show that 2020 wasn't a fluke & that our President really did lose, which by the way, was mathematically impossible. They're playing a numbers game, which is playing with fire. The people who have come here left because of the tyranny in their country & they're going to realize just how badly they've been screwed over by the current administration - at that point, come election time, I'm predicting a huge amount of new voters & an overwhelming response at the polls, in favor of getting America back on track & making it better than before, because of one thing - socialism, no matter where, doesn't work. Looks like I found the "root cause", without leaving the country. 


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