Sanctuary Or Bust

As many of you know, Governor Abbott of Texas has been sending a lot of illegals via bus to a few "sanctuary" cities & it's been causing an uproar with the mayors of DC, NYC & Chicago. 
Mayor (Beetlejuice) Lightfoot has gone on record to say that "Abbott is without any shame or humanity" concerning the 100 (so far) illegals sent to the Windy City. Mayor Adams called the sending of 1500 illegals (since August 5th) to NYC "Horrific". Mayor Bowser of DC has tried twice to get the national guard to "Help prevent a prolonged humanitarian crisis resulting from the daily arrivals of migrants" & has been denied both times - I guess 7400 illegals constitutes a crisis for the mayor. (If they think that what they're facing in regards to the illegals is bad, they should try being a border town & the residents that live there)
Governor Abbott devised a bus program, paid for with taxpayer money & private donations, which amounted to $12 million & in his words was done because of "President Biden's open border policies overwhelming border communities in Texas". In my view, that's $12 million well spent. 
According to The New York Post, these illegals being sent to the "sanctuary " cities have been granted permission to remain in America, waiting for the government to decide if they qualify for asylum. I hardly doubt that the millions of illegals that have invaded America need to claim asylum, because they were invited by the current administration. 
The fact that the mayors are feeling victimized by Governor Abbott, who by the way, did the best thing for the people of Texas, tells me that these cities only wanted to show the illusion of being a sanctuary & had no intention of being capable of helping anyone. Just look at how these particular cities are being destroyed by the ineptitude of their mayors & you'll understand what I'm talking about. 
The truth the way I see it is this - if you're in support of the current administration & the terrible policies concerning the border, then you claim to be a "sanctuary" city, you better be prepared to actually receive the huddled masses. In the case of NYC, the illegals got food, school supplies for their kids, signed up for healthcare & were given free phones - although I do think that it's necessary to be sympathetic, it's ridiculous to give them healthcare that they're not going to be paying for, as well as the fact that they got phones that American citizens are going to foot the bill for. According to a report, some of the illegals in DC have said that if they have to stay there, they would rather go back home, which I think is what needs to happen immediately. The current administration is flooding the country with what they're hoping will be a windfall of voters in their favor, point blank. There's no intention of finishing the wall, or helping deport the people who came here by invite from the "President". What's happening is a demoralizing of America - a pillaging of the very freedoms & rights that are God given & inalienable, paid for in full by countless patriots who did not sacrifice their lives so that illegal immigrants would be the recipients of free everything on a silver platter. 


  1. Amen, and thank you for speaking out. There are so many of us that don't. Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate what you wrote. I'm not that gifted with speech.


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