America Gone Mad

If you've been on your social media lately, I'm sure that you've seen at least a half dozen or so videos of people (I'm not mentioning race, that point is moot), either acting like petulant children by fighting, trying to start a fight, looting, or destroying stores, restaurants, even airport luggage claims & boarding. 
These people have no fear of going to jail, knowing that they'll be out in less than a day, thanks to "bail reform". 
If this doesn't make sense to you & make your blood boil, then welcome to the club. Democrat led cities & states have literally stripped away the powers of the police, as well as shown would be criminals that it's ok to do whatever they want. If you've been paying attention to the ruination of the country, you realize that the left has been accusing anyone & everyone that doesn't agree with their ideologies regarding crime & punishment of being a racist & other such nonsense. 
I don't know about you, but I'm old enough to remember the days of you do the crime, you do the time. Whatever you think about the police, the legal system & the incarceration of criminals, you must realize that in a civilized society, there's a structure of checks & balances to keep the people safe from harm. 
It's been proven that people & society as a whole succeed within a structure containing rules & discipline - without any of that, we have nothing but chaos. 
I'm of the thought that the current trend I've been mentioning is due to the many failures of the current administration. America has no real leadership in the White House, we're all feeling the struggles due to inflation & if you have a mind of your own, you're a target of not only the maniacal extremists, but the government as well ( i.e. the divisiveness coming from the current administration & the weaponization of the DOJ, FBI & CIA). 
The truth the way I see it is this - the current administration has been doing everything they can to tear down, segregate & destroy the very fabric of America - the spirit of the people & the power we have as a united group. It wasn't long ago that the color of your skin didn't matter & now, it's a bargaining chip. We've been set back decades because of words like "inclusion" & "equity" that are being used by anyone who thinks you owe them something. In my mind, the world owes you squat -  if you want it, you work hard & you buy whatever you want, you have to show respect so others will do the same for you. Such a simple concept, but too complicated for those who want us to just give them everything. Now that's what's wrong with America - change my mind.  


  1. You are absolutely right!! I don't think anyone can change your mind because you're spot on!!


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