California's "Safe Prison Plan"

If you haven't already heard, the state of California is getting ready to release 63,000 prisoners back into society. Of those being released, almost 20,000 are currently serving a life sentence & another 10,000 are serving time for serious nonviolent offenses. 
While there's currently no timetable for the release of these inmates, this can only become a law enforcement nightmare. The recidivism rate of criminals is high, thus putting a strain on the police, legal system & penal system. Most criminals don't know any way of life other than crime, so they're at the most risk of reoffending. Some are just simply institutionalized, calling prison their "home". 
Mainstream society is no place for violent inmates, the prison system is. So, what's the reason for the release of these inmates? The answer - "safe prisons". I don't know about you, but I'm of the opinion that if you commit a crime & you're placed into a prison, that's where you should stay. The penal system has a security system in place for the inmates, designating them by risk; low, medium, maximum, or super maximum security risks. This is done so that the inmates are properly put into the correct settings to serve their time. That said, there's absolutely no reason for their release back into society, save for the reasons that they've been falsely accused & prosecuted for something that they actually didn't do, or that they've been paroled or have served out their sentence. 
The truth the way I see it is this - prison isn't a summer camp, nor should it be. It's a place of serious criminal offenders, you're not going to have s'mores by the fire & sing kum ba yah. The state of California is going to experience the worst crime wave, possibly in their history, because of their short-sightedness in regards to criminals & their chance of going back to prison. So, why are they doing this? Most likely, it's a social experiment, at the edict of the governor, who is in the midst of a recall election & this "plan" is going to be his downfall, or it at least should be. California is going to pay the ultimate price for being soft on these inmates, which is unfair to the people, but they're merely pawns in a deadly game which the governor has decided that he wants to play & it's only just begun. 


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