Inflation, Gas Shortage & Coastal Pipeline

You may have noticed the past several weeks a price increase in your grocery bill & at the pump, in particular. Inflation has been prevalent for a little while, but not to worry, the White House has said that it's indicative of Biden's economic success. I'm not a mathematician, but I'm pretty sure that inflation is indicative of the economy being out of whack. 
Here's a short list of things you might have noticed having a price hike : fresh fruits, up 6%, bacon, up 10.7%, air fares, up 9.6%, gas, up 28% & lumber, up 208%. How does the current administration figure that this is an economic success, when it's clear that the American people are struggling to put food on the table & keep a little bit of gas in their cars? There's no answer coming from them, because they aren't the ones who are suffering.
Speaking of gas, Coastal Pipeline was recently hacked by some people in Russia, causing the company to shut down, in turn causing a gas shortage. The hackers demanded five million dollars in Bitcoin to give the company access back to their own oil. At first, Coastal Pipeline said they were not going to pay, which kept the distribution of oil at a standstill for days. People on the East Coast experienced first hand long lines at gas stations & ultimately, no gas at all. United States Energy Secretary Granholm went on the record, saying that there was no gas shortage, but a supply crunch. Within a few days after that word manipulation, Costal Pipeline announced that they were back up & running & reports said that the ransom was paid, which was denied by the company. This gas shortage wouldn't have been an issue if the XL Pipeline wasn't shut down within days of the current administration being installed - it was in phase 4 before "President" Biden gave the order for its closure.
America has gone from days of plenty, cheap prices for goods & energy independence, to a socialist government, an incompetent narcoleptic in the White House & high prices for just about everything. This is what happens when the government has spent money like it's water, rather than keeping the legislation that was working in the Trump presidency in regards to the economy & jobs - the country was in a super V, bouncing back into another great economy, perhaps even greater than it was prior. 
The truth the way I see it is this - our nation is in a decline, due to socialist government action. People are getting more money to stay home instead of being at work, businesses are closed (most permanently), gas & other goods are ridiculously expensive - all of this is being done to keep America under the thumb of the left. Want to know how I've come to this conclusion? You don't have 17 states & DC call a state of emergency because of a supply crunch regarding gas in a free society. You don't have people trying to figure out what food they can & can't afford because of the high prices, especially when they have money for it in a free society. You don't have an incredibly ridiculous price hike for almost everything, then say that it's indicative of economic success in a free society. All of these things are said & done to manipulate the people, who are, at the moment, powerless. President Trump was for the people, first & foremost. The current administration's mantra is, seemingly, America last. What we're going through right now, is just the beginning - it hasn't been a year into the current administration & the country is falling apart at the seams. Socialism, as has been said before by people who are greater than I, has no place in America. The question is, can America return to its greatness we've known for so long? 


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