Biden's New Gestapo

The headline is attention grabbing, right? It should be. It has to be. Here's why. The current administration has announced their plans for Americans to be able to report "radicalized" friends & family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism. Historically, this has been done before, remember Germany, circa 1933? 
It didn't end well, for a large amount of people. 
One senior administration official cited the campaign of the DHS - "see something, say something", which was used to help stop Islamic terror as a domestic possibility. This, of course, is an excuse for the government to strike fear in the hearts of all Americans. Once again, I reference Germany, circa 1933. If you have any opinions that don't coincide with the left, you could be considered a "radical", under this new plan. That alone is tyranny. 
The administration has also said they're working with big tech, saying that there's "increased information sharing", to combat "radicalization". So, you're not even going to be able to voice your opinions online, without being monitored. The government is clearly overstepping the boundaries of the people, violating our civil rights. If we don't know what to say, or think, we're mindless sheep, which is what the government wants. 
The truth the way I see it is this - tyranny, in any form, is oppressive. The people who think for themselves are a target & will be made examples of. What's the endgame? Simple - total control of the country, with consequences for being your own person. America is becoming a socialist haven, crippling the general public, one method of crushing the people at a time. The American spirit is being tested, like never before & at some point, will be put on display, in the form of revolution. Our country was founded on freedom & it's almost time to fight for it once more. 


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