The Release Of Bill Cosby : Pennsylvania's Legal Mistake

Today, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has released Bill Cosby, due to some legal technicalities, after having served two years of a three to ten year prison sentence. Now that he's been released, he can't be tried again for the charge he went to prison for. 
This is not justice for the victim, or any other victims he's preyed upon. The legal system has let them down. 
Cosby, while in prison, refused to take any sex offender classes, saying that he's not an offender & not going to say that he did anything wrong. In doing that, he was denied parole, which if he was granted it, wouldn't have been justice at all. 
Pennsylvania's Supreme Court has made the mistake of letting a serial rapist go free & didn't make it mandatory for him to take the sex offender classes, which they should've done. Releasing Cosby is absolutely appalling & shows the people who have been subjected to his perversion that they don't matter. 
The truth the way I see it is this - Cosby is absolutely guilty & should still be in prison, not to be released until his sentence is fully served. Sexual predators, such as Cosby, will not stop - the odds of him reoffending are not in his favor. The victims of these crimes are serving a life sentence, having to remember what happened to them & suffer from the trauma, losing the person that they once were. Today may be a victory for him, but, those he preyed upon are now forced to know that their bravery made in being vocal & telling a jury what happened to them, takes a step backwards & they're made to feel victimized once again. 


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