The Fall Of Afghanistan : Biden's Saigon

You've seen a lot on the news about the current situation in Afghanistan, I want to share my thoughts about it. 
As of right now, according to reports, there are as many as 40,000 Americans trapped in Afghanistan, with no current plans to be rescued. Yesterday, a Pentagon spokesperson even said as much, in regards to any kind of plans to bring the American people back home. That said, Joe's bringing 30,000 Afghans to America & pulling a half of a billion dollars from "emergency funds" to house & care for the refugees. How does that even make sense? 
Also, you may have heard about the Taliban being in possession of billions of dollars worth of military equipment & weapons. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was so quickly done, (most are saying so very poorly & I agree), that the soldiers didn't have any time to destroy what they couldn't take, which is what they're trained to do. 
The Taliban held a press conference declaring their takeover, days before the "President" decided to go back to DC from his vacation.
This whole mess is going to be the "legacy" Joe Biden leaves behind. America is in shambles, people can't afford to buy food, or even gas up their car, OPEC is denying the country more oil, now Afghanistan. 
The ship is sinking & Kamala was overheard saying "you're not going to pin this [expletive] on me", making it abundantly clear she wants no part of the quite possibly biggest hostage situation in history. The intelligence Biden received before the withdrawal, which he ignored, was to wait. Why? It's because they didn't know how long Afghanistan was going to be standing on their own after our military left. It took less than two weeks. Eighty eight billion dollars & twenty years later, Afghanistan fell, mostly without a fight & cities bowing down in fear. 
The truth the way I see it is this - the current administration is in over their heads & nobody wants to be in charge of what happens next, leaving America without a leader. As of right now, the "President" is back in Delaware & the  Vice President is MIA. Say what you want to about President Trump, but under his leadership, our country was safe & the world respected us. Now, we're an embarrassment & Joe's a joke - his administration is asking the Taliban to include women in their new government & respect humanitarian law, as well as women's rights. What do you think is going to happen? My best guess is, the requests are going to be ignored, because the Taliban honors nothing from people who they consider to be weak. The last time I checked, America doesn't negotiate with terrorists, we warn them & if they mess around, we bomb the crap out of them. Unfortunately, it's just a matter of time before the situation becomes a game of political chess. It's just too bad that Biden's playing checkers. 

**UPDATE : Some time on Wednesday evening, the U.S. embassy in Kabul had stated that Americans will be evacuated from Afghanistan on a "first come, first serve" basis & couldn't guarantee their safety to the airport. Also, it's not known at this time if our military is going to stay in Afghanistan to ensure that all American citizens are safely evacuated.**


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