Wake Up Call For America

I'm going to share with you a few things that may not have been covered a lot by the main stream media, in regards to the "President". These particular events affect us all, in one way or another, but we're all not being told everything we need to know, because it's easier not to. 
At the recent United Nations General Assembly, Joe Biden said the following : "The future will belong to those who give their people the ability to breathe free, not those who seek to suffocate their people with an iron hand. Also, my patience is wearing thin with Americans who dare defy me, so I mandated the vaccine and withheld medicine from states controlled by my political enemies." Notice the irony of the first part of this statement, it's Biden contradicting himself, as the past several months he's been nothing short of an ego driven tyrant. The second part of this statement is further proving my point of his tyrannical mindset & dictatorial rule. 
Here's something else you need to know - as many as 60,000 migrants, mostly Haitians, are heading to our southern border, according to Panama's Foreign Minister, who was exasperated that the Biden administration seemingly ignored her country's warnings for months. The administration is currently spending millions of dollars a day to not have the wall finished, yet they're quick to blame our President for their own ineptitude regarding the border crisis that they created. 
Lastly, there's the budget reconciliation bill, aka, the "Build Back Better Act". A significant part of this bill would beef up the IRS by requiring banks to turn over information to the IRS for all accounts holding more than $600. That's right, our banking activity would fall under the control of the government. So, buy a house, send family some cash & just about anything else - big brother will know. 
The truth the way I see it is this - the main stream media has been keeping an amazing amount of the information I just gave you from being public knowledge. Why? Simple - it's a lot easier to rule a country with people who don't have any knowledge of the ways that their freedoms are being taken away from them. The current administration has been doing everything they can to make our lives uncomfortable, just so that we all will submit to them & the socialist agenda they're going to implement in full. For several months now, the left has been slowly installing socialist rule of the people - as it stands right now, the supporters of the Biden regime are of the mindset that this is utopia. Socialism hasn't ever worked, in any country & it's going to be the ruination of the American way of life. Look at what's happening now - shipyards are backlogged (purposely), illegals are flooding the country (bringing in leprosy, measles & other communicable diseases), inflation is out of control, food is becoming harder to obtain & this is all just the beginning. This isn't utopia, it's a nightmare & we all have to wake up, before the America we've known for so long is nothing more than a faded memory.


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