The Salvation Army : Spreading Racial Division Or Sharing The Gospel?

You may or may not have heard anything about the Salvation Army asking for donors to offer a "sincere apology" for white supremacy & white dominated culture, as they detailed in a resource guide developed by their international social justice commission. The guide discussed having "gracious discussions" about overcoming the damage racism has inflicted upon our world & says white people need to "lament, repent & apologize for biases or racist ideologies held & actions committed". It goes on to say that "racism is very real for our brothers & sisters who are refused jobs & denied housing, their basic rights brutalized & being oppressed simply because of the color of their skin", also, there is an "urgent need for Christians to evaluate racist attitudes & practices in light of our faith & to live faithfully in today's world". 
That's a mouthful, to be sure & in case you're wondering, it's a prime example of the Salvation Army embracing Critical Race Theory, the very controversial racist rhetoric that's gripping the country & is being taught in schools to children in grades K-12. Its philosophy is simple - white people are racists, evil & oppressors of the black community. If you're not in agreement with anyone who's "teaching" CRT, you're automatically a racist & you need to give in to their demands of "equity & inclusion". 
I'm not saying that this is a blanket statement of the black community as a whole, not by any means. White people, as well as other people of color are also in support of CRT. Once this guide was brought to light, the Salvation Army noticed that the donations were few & far between (the news of the guide was reported on November 26th). In a statement to Fox News, they attempted to clarify their views, saying "We're not asking donors to apologize for their skin color & we do not endorse any philosophy or ideology. Such claims are simply false & injure our ability to fulfill our mission, which is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ & to meet human needs in His name without discrimination". On November 30th, the Salvation Army removed the document in question called "Let's Talk About Race" as well as the link to the guide originally posted in April from their website. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure that going by the title, it seems to be a document giving a biased view of the race relations in the country, which in & of itself is a part of the philosophy of CRT. 
The truth the way I see it is this - if you're paying attention to what's going on in the country; you're noticing the destruction of our history, the removal of statues, the blatant attempt to erase history & a great deal of violence directed at white people, with the black community, as well as other racial backgrounds that are embracing CRT, calling for the eradication of all white people. The Salvation Army had to backtrack their own guide for race relations, simply because of fear of being cancelled. This country is divided, like never before & racist rhetoric like CRT is a race weapon, setting America back hundreds of years. Dr. King once said to not look at the color of the skin, but at the character within & right now, that's what this country needs to do more than anything. 


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