Suicide During The Age Of COVID : An Epidemic In The Pandemic

This particular post is going to be a wake up call & a very heart wrenching one. I'm going to be writing about suicide attempts during the pandemic, which is a very little known subject to many. 
I have some stats from the CDC (I know, why trust the CDC) to be taken into consideration. ER visits due to adolescent suicide attempts increased in the summer & winter of 2021, especially among girls. There was a 22.3% increase in attempts in the age range of 12-17 in the summer of 2020, compared to 2019. Also, there was a 39.1% increase in attempts in the winter of 2021, compared to 2020. Girls in the age range of 12-17 in February 21- March 20, 2021 had a 50.6% increase in ER visits concerning attempted suicide compared to the same period of 2019. 
In the world today, as far as the pandemic is concerned, we're all dealing with some degree of isolation, social anxiety & stress. Mix in the usual growing pains all kids experience & it's a literal time bomb. These numbers are catastrophic for the people who have lost their loved ones & may be a sign of things to come, post pandemic. 
I've lost a good friend to suicide. I also have contemplated suicide in some deep moments of desperation during my younger years. I can tell you firsthand, when you're so deeply hurt, depressed & wonder what life would be like without you, it's not a mindset you want to be in. I feel so very badly for the kids today that have been in that mindset & to know that they've been actively trying to end their own lives. 
The truth the way I see it is this - if you're wondering how kids today have gotten to their tipping point, take a look at the social climate we're in. People are going around beating the crap out of each other, destroying businesses in any way they can & then ask yourself "How much more can I possibly take?". The answer for so many of these young people, unfortunately, is to just be gone, for good. So, take care of your children, be aware of their feelings & don't be afraid of asking them how they're doing. It could be what ends up saving their lives. The statistics are mind blowing, yes, I know, they're now a part of the fabric of the world we live in. If you, or someone you love have mentioned a suicidal ideation, I will give you the national suicide prevention line phone number  :
1 (800) 273 8225. A caring person & one phone call will make a difference. 


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