The Bumbling Administration

This isn't going to be my usual post, but rather, it's a bit of a venting about the current administration. 
Over the past several months, we've seen & heard so much about the misspeaking & talking with saying absolutely nothing, from both Ol' Sleepy Joe & Kamala. It's beyond embarrassing that the whole world is witness to this travesty & because of their ineptitude, America has become a laughingstock. 
Besides making a joke of themselves, America's energy situation has been totally mishandled. We've gone from being independent & thriving energy wise, to let's use up the strategic oil reserve. Joe Biden has literally begged for oil from Russia, Venezuela & Iran, to no avail. He would rather do that than use our own resources & make the country energy independent again.
Also, you have noticed the grocery stores not having fully stocked shelves. There's no excuse for this at all, in my opinion. The current administration has recently said that food shortages are going to "be real", but it's been happening for several months now. That statement leaves me to wonder, what else is going to happen to make it worse? 
Recently, you might have heard from the "President" that if we all bought an electric car, we can save $80 monthly by not having to pay for gas. If you do the math, an electric car starting price is around $55,000, for the car to pay for itself in gas savings, it would take almost 60 years. The government is clearly attempting to kill the oil/gas industry, in order to force feed us their "clean energy" agenda, because a lot of them have big time cash invested in the companies manufacturing the electric cars & other such interests. 
Let's go back to the misspeaking. Joe's said so much that the White House has had to almost immediately walk back statements made by the "President". At least one instance the White House has said in an official statement that what Joe's said wasn't in an "official capacity". Oh, let's not forget the infamous "passage of time" speech made by Kamala. Talk about embarrassing. These are the people who were "elected" to lead the country. What a sad testament of leadership. 
The truth the way I see it is this - we're in a period of time nobody has ever seen before, with a bumbling & mumbling "President", who's the butt of every joke worldwide. Don't get me wrong, I love America, but I'm absolutely appalled & mortified with our duly installed "leadership" in the White House. In my opinion, 2024 can't possibly come soon enough. I'm speaking for myself & the well over 75 million people who voted for our President when I say that I miss Trump in DC & having a country that the whole world respected. 


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