
The Many Problems With (Not The Winter) Snowflakes

It's almost Christmas time & I have been thinking about what I would like to post. I'm sure that you've been paying attention to the madness of the world & wonder what happened with people? You're not alone.  There's nothing quite like the insanity of the snowflakes - the people who have an extremely thin skin & whine incessantly about EVERYTHING.  The entire world has been bending over backwards for these sniveling, brainwashed, give me everything for free because I deserve it, little brats & that's exactly what they are, regardless of their age. I'm not sure where the sense of entitlement comes from, but I'm sure that it's regurgitations from the people who want to absolutely destroy the whole world. These people don't believe in the traditional family, they deny the fact that there's only two genders, they don't think that there is a God, they don't want to work to get what they want, I could go on - but, you get th...

America Gone Mad

If you've been on your social media lately, I'm sure that you've seen at least a half dozen or so videos of people (I'm not mentioning race, that point is moot), either acting like petulant children by fighting, trying to start a fight, looting, or destroying stores, restaurants, even airport luggage claims & boarding.  These people have no fear of going to jail, knowing that they'll be out in less than a day, thanks to "bail reform".  If this doesn't make sense to you & make your blood boil, then welcome to the club. Democrat led cities & states have literally stripped away the powers of the police, as well as shown would be criminals that it's ok to do whatever they want. If you've been paying attention to the ruination of the country, you realize that the left has been accusing anyone & everyone that doesn't agree with their ideologies regarding crime & punishment of being a racist & other such nonsense.  I don...

Sanctuary Or Bust

As many of you know, Governor Abbott of Texas has been sending a lot of illegals via bus to a few "sanctuary" cities & it's been causing an uproar with the mayors of DC, NYC & Chicago.  Mayor (Beetlejuice) Lightfoot has gone on record to say that "Abbott is without any shame or humanity" concerning the 100 (so far) illegals sent to the Windy City. Mayor Adams called the sending of 1500 illegals (since August 5th) to NYC "Horrific". Mayor Bowser of DC has tried twice to get the national guard to "Help prevent a prolonged humanitarian crisis resulting from the daily arrivals of migrants" & has been denied both times - I guess 7400 illegals constitutes a crisis for the mayor. (If they think that what they're facing in regards to the illegals is bad, they should try being a border town & the residents that live there) Governor Abbott devised a bus program, paid for with taxpayer money & private donations, which amounted to...

Uvalde : An Avoidable Tragedy

On May 24th, 2022, 18 year old Salvador Ramos unleashed his evil upon innocent people, including children. That day began with him shooting his grandma in the face, who miraculously survived & is in "good condition", then running off heading towards a local school. This is where things get a little bit iffy.  Upon making it to the school, Ramos quickly entered (without a School Resource Officer to stop him), went into a random classroom & began his killing spree. In all, 19 students & 2 teachers were inexplicably murdered. The police didn't make entry into the school when they got to the scene, because of "the gunfire they were receiving". It took the Border Patrol tactical unit an hour to arrive, get into the school, then get into the locked classroom & kill Ramos, ending the terror. During the entirety of the crisis, 911 was called several times by students. (It serves to mention that the ISD police chief is a former 911 dispatcher). Prior to h...

The Bumbling Administration

This isn't going to be my usual post, but rather, it's a bit of a venting about the current administration.  Over the past several months, we've seen & heard so much about the misspeaking & talking with saying absolutely nothing, from both Ol' Sleepy Joe & Kamala. It's beyond embarrassing that the whole world is witness to this travesty & because of their ineptitude, America has become a laughingstock.  Besides making a joke of themselves, America's energy situation has been totally mishandled. We've gone from being independent & thriving energy wise, to let's use up the strategic oil reserve. Joe Biden has literally begged for oil from Russia, Venezuela & Iran, to no avail. He would rather do that than use our own resources & make the country energy independent again. Also, you have noticed the grocery stores not having fully stocked shelves. There's no excuse for this at all, in my opinion. The current administration has...

Suicide During The Age Of COVID : An Epidemic In The Pandemic

This particular post is going to be a wake up call & a very heart wrenching one. I'm going to be writing about suicide attempts during the pandemic, which is a very little known subject to many.  I have some stats from the CDC (I know, why trust the CDC) to be taken into consideration. ER visits due to adolescent suicide attempts increased in the summer & winter of 2021, especially among girls. There was a 22.3% increase in attempts in the age range of 12-17 in the summer of 2020, compared to 2019. Also, there was a 39.1% increase in attempts in the winter of 2021, compared to 2020. Girls in the age range of 12-17 in February 21- March 20, 2021 had a 50.6% increase in ER visits concerning attempted suicide compared to the same period of 2019.  In the  world today, as far as the pandemic is concerned, we're all dealing with some degree of isolation, social anxiety & stress. Mix in the usual growing pains all kids experience & it's a literal time bomb. These...

The Salvation Army : Spreading Racial Division Or Sharing The Gospel?

You may or may not have heard anything about the Salvation Army asking for donors to offer a "sincere apology" for white supremacy & white dominated culture, as they detailed in a resource guide developed by their international social justice commission. The guide discussed having "gracious discussions" about overcoming the damage racism has inflicted upon our world & says white people need to "lament, repent & apologize for biases or racist ideologies held & actions committed". It goes on to say that "racism is very real for our brothers & sisters who are refused jobs & denied housing, their basic rights brutalized & being oppressed simply because of the color of their skin", also, there is an "urgent need for Christians to evaluate racist attitudes & practices in light of our faith & to live faithfully in today's world".  That's a mouthful, to be sure & in case you're wondering, it...

Timothy George Simpkins : Victim Of Fortune Or Good Boy Gone Bad?

This story of the Arlington, Texas high school shooting & the shooter, Timothy George Simpkins, who fled the scene, hasn't been talked about much on the news. I'm not sure why that is, but I'm guessing that it's because it doesn't fit the narrative that the main stream media has been running with.  Simpkins, 18, got into a fight with a fellow student in a classroom. I saw footage of said fight, it was a display of domination on the behalf of Simpkins, who literally beat down the victim of his rage. At one point, Simpkins went to his backpack & pulled out a gun & opened fire.  The scene was chaotic, I'm sure, but it was over relatively quickly. Simpkins fled the scene afterwards & later turned himself in. His family claims that he is a "good boy" that's the victim of bullies & that he's been robbed at school before because of his being financially "blessed" with fancy clothes & a $35,000 car. His mom said that h...

Wake Up Call For America

I'm going to share with you a few things that may not have been covered a lot by the main stream media, in regards to the "President". These particular events affect us all, in one way or another, but we're all not being told everything we need to know, because it's easier not to.  At the recent United Nations General Assembly, Joe Biden said the following : "The future will belong to those who give their people the ability to breathe free, not those who seek to suffocate their people with an iron hand. Also, my patience is wearing thin with Americans who dare defy me, so I mandated the vaccine and withheld medicine from states controlled by my political enemies." Notice the irony of the first part of this statement, it's Biden contradicting himself, as the past several months he's been nothing short of an ego driven tyrant. The second part of this statement is further proving my point of his tyrannical mindset & dictatorial rule.  Here's...

The Fall Of Afghanistan : Biden's Saigon

You've seen a lot on the news about the current situation in Afghanistan, I want to share my thoughts about it.  As of right now, according to reports, there are as many as 40,000 Americans trapped in Afghanistan, with no current plans to be rescued. Yesterday, a Pentagon spokesperson even said as much, in regards to any kind of plans to bring the American people back home. That said, Joe's bringing 30,000 Afghans to America & pulling a half of a billion dollars from "emergency funds" to house & care for the refugees. How does that even make sense?  Also, you may have heard about the Taliban being in possession of billions of dollars worth of military equipment & weapons. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was so quickly done, (most are saying so very poorly & I agree), that the soldiers didn't have any time to destroy what they couldn't take, which is what they're trained to do.  The Taliban held a press conference declaring their takeover, d...

The Last Stand For Free Speech

July 15th, 2021 : White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that the current administration is flagging problematic posts for Facebook July 19th, 2021 : White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that nothing is off the table when it comes to using big tech to silence dissent.   These statements are about as brazen as they can be. Our Constitutional rights are being taken from us, one by one. Look at what's becoming of America & tell me if you still recognize it. The left is playing both ends against the middle, using subtraction by division as a means to take down the country. Racial tension is at an all time high, crimes against the cops have been brutal & almost non stop, random assaults are happening in broad daylight & those people who are going to jail are being released, mostly without bail.  Those distractions, smoke & mirrors, if you will, are what the left is counting on, that way nobody is paying attention to the fact that if you're on social m...

The Release Of Bill Cosby : Pennsylvania's Legal Mistake

Today, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has released Bill Cosby, due to some legal technicalities, after having served two years of a three to ten year prison sentence. Now that he's been released, he can't be tried again for the charge he went to prison for.  This is not justice for the victim, or any other victims he's preyed upon. The legal system has let them down.  Cosby, while in prison, refused to take any sex offender classes, saying that he's not an offender & not going to say that he did anything wrong. In doing that, he was denied parole, which if he was granted it, wouldn't have been justice at all.  Pennsylvania's Supreme Court has made the mistake of letting a serial rapist go free & didn't make it mandatory for him to take the sex offender classes, which they should've done. Releasing Cosby is absolutely appalling & shows the people who have been subjected to his perversion that they don't matter.  The truth the way I see it ...

Biden's New Gestapo

The headline is attention grabbing, right? It should be. It has to be. Here's why. The current administration has announced their plans for Americans to be able to report "radicalized" friends & family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism. Historically, this has been done before, remember Germany, circa 1933?  It didn't end well, for a large amount of people.  One senior administration official cited the campaign of the DHS - "see something, say something", which was used to help stop Islamic terror as a domestic possibility. This, of course, is an excuse for the government to strike fear in the hearts of all Americans. Once again, I reference Germany, circa 1933. If you have any opinions that don't coincide with the left, you could be considered a "radical", under this new plan. That alone is tyranny.  The administration has also said they're working with big tech, saying that there's "increased informat...

Google And Antisemitism

According to reports, Google has reassigned a diversity staffer for their comment about Jews, having said that they "have an insatiable appetite for war & killing". Why wasn't that individual fired? The answer - most likely because of the current climate in the country, with the left being able to say just about anything.  This kind of thinking is toxic & leads to worse things than just words. Jews are being attacked, for nothing more than being themselves in AMERICA - not 1930s Germany, think about that for a minute.  Racism & rhetoric that's substantially less conducive to the betterment of the country is taking over - look at what's going on; critical race theory in the schools, workplace & military, with nobody in the current administration condemning it. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?  The truth the way I see it is this - antisemitic thinking is about as ignorant as it gets. Google not reprimanding/firing the individual who made the comment...

Inflation, Gas Shortage & Coastal Pipeline

You may have noticed the past several weeks a price increase in your grocery bill & at the pump, in particular. Inflation has been prevalent for a little while, but not to worry, the White House has said that it's indicative of Biden's economic success. I'm not a mathematician, but I'm pretty sure that inflation is indicative of the economy being out of whack.  Here's a short list of things you might have noticed having a price hike : fresh fruits, up 6%, bacon, up 10.7%, air fares, up 9.6%, gas, up 28% & lumber, up 208%. How does the current administration figure that this is an economic success, when it's clear that the American people are struggling to put food on the table & keep a little bit of gas in their cars? There's no answer coming from them, because they aren't the ones who are suffering. Speaking of gas, Coastal Pipeline was recently hacked by some people in Russia, causing the company to shut down, in turn causing a gas shortage...

California's "Safe Prison Plan"

If you haven't already heard, the state of California is getting ready to release 63,000 prisoners back into society. Of those being released, almost 20,000 are currently serving a life sentence & another 10,000 are serving time for serious nonviolent offenses.  While there's currently no timetable for the release of these inmates, this can only become a law enforcement nightmare. The recidivism rate of criminals is high, thus putting a strain on the police, legal system & penal system. Most criminals don't know any way of life other than crime, so they're at the most risk of reoffending. Some are just simply institutionalized, calling prison their "home".  Mainstream society is no place for violent inmates, the prison system is. So, what's the reason for the release of these inmates? The answer - "safe prisons". I don't know about you, but I'm of the opinion that if you commit a crime & you're placed into a prison, that...

Issues At The Border & The Lack Of Concern From The Left

On March 24th, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris was given the job of overseeing the border & the crisis there. The current administration has as of yet to call it a crisis, but the people of America know that it is. With countless hundreds of thousands coming through the border, it's become overwhelming for the Border Patrol. The current administration has even asked NASA employees to volunteer to help with the surge of incoming migrants.  I mentioned that the Vice President was given the job of oversight of the border, but as of today, she's still not making any plans to visit. Instead of that, she's going to the Mexico/Guatemala border, to gain information on the "root cause" of the migration. 300 United States Border Patrol agents are also going to be there, to assist the Mexican & Guatemalan officials. I don't know about you, but I'm of the opinion that we should be putting our nation first & mending our border before helping other countr...

Vaccine Passports & The End Of Our Freedom

The current administration has been working with the private sector to create universal vaccine passports, which would alienate the people who don't want to get the shot. This is another step towards communism, complete with the need for papers to show that you got the vaccine for a virus that has a 99% survival rate, most likely to be necessary to travel within our own country.  Here's something you might not have heard on the news - the director of the CDC says that she has a "feeling of impending doom" in regards to the coronavirus, saying that a spike in cases is going to happen. Here's my take on that - with the border being flooded with mass migration & a significant amount of the illegals coming in testing positive for the virus, the number of coronavirus cases will increase. The CBP has been overwhelmed with hundreds of thousands of people coming through the border & there's countless people who haven't even been tested, just released to tr...

"Wokeness" & Cancel Culture

Over the past several weeks or so, you may have noticed the absolute insanity of the "woke" movement & cancel culture. Both are everywhere, reaching into the very fabric of the country, attempting to eradicate everything & radicalize America.  Schools are a prime example of "wokeness" & cancel culture - if you're a parent, your kids are probably learning critical race theory, which is a socialist, Marxist line of thinking, with the goal of teaching the kids how to hate their race, the country & indoctrinate them with the belief that they're racist because they may happen to be white.  Look at the Coca Cola company & their new "woke" approach with their own employees. Their employees are learning to be "less white", in an attempt to appease the overly sensitive & very loud people who want "social justice", which is an umbrella talking point, covering just about anything.  Speaking of "social justice...

Crisis At The Border

After a few days of mass influx, the situation at the border still isn't being designated as a crisis by the current administration. Unaccompanied minors are being held in "facilities", which the media has yet to have access to & most have been there longer than allowed by law. The cartels are already operating in plain sight, with no consequence. Arrests are being made in droves, but the number of people coming in is overwhelming.  Things are getting so bad that even Chuck Schumer weighed in, warning Biden to clamp down on the overflow of illegals. ICE officers are being called to be deployed, as early as this weekend & volunteers have been asked to help "cope" with the numbers.  Here's why the Democrats haven't called the border situation a crisis : they want to keep in power & in order to do it, they're willing to sacrifice our country's safety & health. There's been a significant amount of illegals coming in that tested po...

Crime And COVID-19 At The Border

The massive influx of illegals incoming is straining the men & women who are working tirelessly to keep the border secure. If you haven't already heard, 108 illegal migrants who came into Texas have tested positive for the coronavirus, as of late January. That said, there are no controls for tracking the number of those people with the virus & no way to prevent them from traveling anywhere in the country.    A major wave of arrests have also been made in just one Border Patrol sector, with 1,600 illegals being taken into custody. This is a small indicator of things to come, as there's still more people who are heading to the country, mostly illegally.  These are stories straight from the headlines, but not coming from the main stream media. Why? The current administration isn't prepared yet to tell you just what's going on with the migrants & how they're being treated. For example, the media isn't being allowed to come over to the child migrant ...

Educating Kids, One Illegal Migrant At A Time

As you may have heard, the border being wide open has created some hardships, education not being one of them.  While so very many parents are struggling with their children not going to school, mostly because of the teachers not wanting to return to work, children that have crossed the border & are here illegally, are getting in-person learning every single school day.  Now, this may have you scratching your head, wondering how those who are not even citizens are getting an education & your children are having to do the best they can to merely skate by & I'll give you my view on why this is happening.  There's somewhere around 7,000 migrant children currently in "detention facilities" & your hard earned money is paying top dollar for every child in these "facilities" to get the education your own children aren't. The reason? Well, so far, no real answer has been given & don't hold your breath waiting for one.   Our own government...

Rush Limbaugh - The Passing Of A Great American

Today, Rush Limbaugh has passed away. A legend of talk radio, who was the voice of the people, was beloved by many.  He said his talent was on loan from God, always humble about his success.  Rush was outspoken, always with the truth & facts. Whether you liked him, or not, you couldn't deny his polarization.  El Rushbo, as he was known by his fans, truly appreciated life & the country. He recognized the freedoms we all have & listened to everyone, with a knack for understanding & empathy.  In this time of mourning, his family is having to deal with the left & the disgraceful comments about how they're feeling upon hearing the news of his passing. Hollywood is literally celebrating, glad that Rush is gone & it's disgusting.  The truth the way I see it is this - if you're ever calling another person, who bravely fought cancer, a cancer, you're an embarrassment to society. A man died & the fact that you can say that, shows the disregard ...

Cuomo And COVID-19

New York governor Cuomo is in big trouble. A top aide has gone on record saying that the administration was fudging the numbers of coronavirus deaths, to avoid an investigation from then President Trump's administration.  At one point, about 9,000 people who were infected with the coronavirus were sent to New York nursing homes, instead of the USNS Comfort, the ship specifically sent by Trump to help take care of those who were recovering from the virus. In doing this, close to 13,000 people have died from the coronavirus in the state of New York, as of late January. Cuomo, as you know, has said "Who cares?.....if they died in the hospital, or the nursing home, they died." in reference to the number of deaths attributed to either a hospital death or nursing home death. It's semantics to the governor, but it's not fair to the remaining family members.  The interesting thing is, Cuomo granted immunity to nursing home officials, after they donated massive amounts to ...

Tying Up The Long Arm of The Law

Not long ago, the government told ICE to release every illegal immigrant that they had in detention, regardless of what crime they committed. Sounds crazy, right?  Several hundreds were set to be back on the streets, free. Why? The "President" really didn't give any particular reason, which is absolutely ridiculous.  Oh, let's not forget about the caravan of migrants who are coming into the country from the Mexican border. The men & women who work so very tirelessly to keep the border secure have to let them in, per the instructions of the "President".  These people have, for the most part, no proof of being negative for the virus, but so many have illegal falsified documents showing that they're coronavirus free.  So, to put it in perspective - look forward to hearing about the crime rate rising drastically, as well as the number of cases of the coronavirus.  I'm not calling the immigrants criminals, not at all. That said, many of the people who...

Truth, Lies & AOC

As many of you know by now, there's been a lot of backlash in the direction of AOC & it's much deserved. She's been on social media for a few days saying that she's a victim of the insurrection at the Capitol Building, but there are some who have said that just isn't the case.   AOC's said that she was "almost murdered" because of people like Senator Ted Cruz, whom she blames for the event that sadly happened January 6th, 2021. AOC has also said that she thought she was going to die & that she thought she just wanted to be a mom. To top it off, she went on social media to say that she thinks she was put in a vulnerable situation by a Capitol police officer, who looked at her with a great deal of anger & hostility.  Sometimes, I get a headache from the crap that this individual (who I think can benefit greatly from a mental evaluation & meds), spews out. In the meantime, the masters of social media will continue to allow her to have a pl...

The United States of Biden

If you've been keeping up with the news, you know that detainees at GITMO are being offered the COVID-19 vaccine, to be given on a voluntary basis.  This is what Joe Biden's America looks like. Offering a vaccine for a potentially deadly virus to criminals, before giving it to those who desperately need it. Americans have no claim to be put first, for anything in the estimation of the "President" & it's becoming more evident every day.  Biden is withholding medical assistance to help you get & and/or stay healthy. Biden has sent you a message from his point of view, which is that you're not a priority. He's helping criminals, terrorists & the worst of the worst receive medical care, the people who should be a little lower on the totem pole.  If you're a law abiding citizen, in need of any kind of help, don't count on the government to come to your aid. Millions of people are being turned down to receive the vaccine in favor of criminals...

The Rich Keep Getting Richer

I'm not sure if you heard anything about this, but the Pelosis bought $1M worth of Tesla stock at $500/share, right around the time that "President" Biden was going to announce that he's going to make a transition in the type of cars the government has. By the way, what the Pelosis did is considered to be insider trading, but don't worry, they're not going to jail for it. 650K government vehicles are gas powered, he's wanting them to be electric powered, at a cost of around $20B.  The price tag is steep, especially since the American taxpayers are the ones who are footing the bill. This action is made to look good optically, but it's not sensible. The reason is because of the resources needed to make the cars, coal in particular.  Biden wants to have a greener environment, but making these cars is not carbon footprint friendly. Not only that, but it's expensive. (I'm not a math major, but I'm pretty sure that the gas & maintenance bills...

Main Stream Media & The Love Affair With Biden

The main stream media has been covering the "President" & his every move, including making a stop for bagels. My question is why, in this case is there such a love affair? Joe isn't being treated like a President of the United States, rather, he's being treated like a celebrity, instead of the leader of the free world.  He's as of yet to be asked hard questions, he's not yet let Congress do any real work on any policies, so I guess that recent lid that was called was warranted, seeing as how he was most likely tired from signing executive orders all day.    President Trump's administration was treated like garbage by the main stream media, worse than almost any previous administration ever. The coverage was nitpicky, overanalyzing every word & almost always calling for his impeachment or resignation. Biden gets asked what's his favorite flavor of ice cream & it's a headline story - totally ignoring his ineptitude, dismantling of the cou...

Lack Of Respect From The Left

The Oval Office no longer has the American flag in place, the country of Canada is saying that they feel disrespected because of the XL Pipeline being shut down & it's only a few days into the new administration.  There's literally no regard to the military, who are in servitude to the commander in chief. They were placed in a parking garage a few days ago, but President Trump gave them the use of his hotel in DC. Biden didn't do anything like that, instead, his wife gave them cookies.  Canada, like I said earlier, is upset by the shut down of the pipeline, most likely they're going to experience some loss of jobs.  Oh, did I mention that the price of insulin & epinephrine is going to rise? Hundreds of people who need that medicine & can't afford it are now in one hell of a jam. This didn't happen under President Trump's administration.  This is the truth the way I see it - everything done so far by the new administration is a slap in the face to...

The Beginning of The End

"President" Biden has been busy. So far, almost 20 executive orders, banning new fracking, shut down the XL Pipeline & thus taking away about 70K jobs from hard working Americans.  Millions of dollars are being lost, but he's wanting to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour. How can that happen if there's no work & no money?  This is what happens when you don't base your vote on the issues. Your hatred of a man because of tweets & nothing else has now put the country in financial jeopardy. President Trump's America was strong. Biden is reversing the policies that helped countless people - so far, everything he's touched has turned into garbage.  America's test is just beginning. Our energy independence is going to be a distant memory in no time. How do you remedy this? By invading a foreign country that has oil. So, somehow, America is most likely going to war, just so gas will be under $5/gallon.  The truth the way I see it is this - we'r...